As you hope in the LORD He will renew your strength.

Hope in the LORD

Hope in the LORD

This last weekend I was honored to attend my godson's Boy Scout Eagle ceremony and graduation party. I was asked to say the prayer. I was moved. I was verklempt. To be asked to attend to his spiritual needs in a public format and speak God's blessing over him for his whole life was powerful.

The reality is we are empowered to do that every day. God has given us spiritual "authority to tread on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm us." (Luke 10:19) You see, "from the fruit of their mouth a person's stomach is filled; with the harvest of their lips they are satisfied. The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." (Proverbs 18:20-21)

What does that all mean? It means you can speak life, blessings, hope, love, joy, success, peace, and any other fruit of the spirit or positive attribute. It also means you can speak curses and evil over others. You have the power to connect to heaven and bring about change on earth as you pray in the power of the Name of Jesus Christ according to His will.

You are not limited to speaking over others. You can speak for yourself as well and you should. Instead of having a judgmental assessment of yourself, try to see yourself through the eyes of God. If you can't ask Him to show you. If you still are not seeing it, look to the scriptures to see what they say about you. As you speak God's truth over yourself, you will change. You will stop trying to do everything in your own power and will rest in God confidence. 

In God there is rest for your soul in this crazy, uncertain world. If you have experienced negative life events that have shaped your life or if you function under negative beliefs about yourself you cannot seem to be free from, perhaps it's time to take control of your life again by getting help from a mental health professional. Calling is the first step to your renewed peace in God and in yourself.

Celebrate the accomplishments in yourself and others. Rejoice and know you have a purpose. Be strong and courageous knowing you were given power by the LORD Himself to bring change to this world. Speak life and live it to the fullest.

Read the next words out loud. Repeat them until you feel them. This is spiritual warfare on your behalf.

"I hope in the LORD and renew my strength. I will soar on wings like eagles; I will run and not grow weary, I will walk and not be faint." (Isaiah 40:31)

Be blessed!

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Beach Glass Counseling, PLLC knows God has given you power to change the things of this world.